The rumour began with a tweet from British actor Arnold Oceng (ADULTHOOD) under the name of @IAmSnakeyMan. This was re-tweeted as below by his former ADULTHOOD director Noel Clarke:
NoelClarke RT @IAmSnakeyMan: Got inside track. jim sturgess has bin offerd the new spiderMan in spiderMan reboot, U knw I always get da inside scoop
Although Clarke has previously worked with Sturgess on the movie HEARTLESS, may we please make clear that this rumor did not come from Noel Clarke (as he has since stressed to us). We did try to contact @IAmSnakeyMan through Twitter this morning and asked him if the Jim Sturgess / Spidey rumour is on the level, to which he replied@ “Of course it is.” So, the man, who is British actor Arnold Oceng (ADULTHOOD), stands by his source. Is this true??? Chime in with your views people!
APOLOGY: Noel Clarke
In an earlier version of this story, we suggested that the rumour had ‘surfaced’ with Mr Clarke and that his associations with Mr Sturgess and Mr Oceng meant that he was in some way endorsing or authorising the rumour. We would like to make it clear that this was never the case and apologise to Mr Clarke.
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