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Salman Wanted by Boney for No Entry

Boney Kapoor is finally happy and excited after so many days of peril. His long in the making movie Wanted it all set to hit theatres this Id. But there's another reason for his upbeat mood. Apparently, the maker wants to continue his association with Salman Khan. He has signed him for two sequels to his earlier hits Mr. India and No Entry.

Boney is confident that Wanted would be sold at a much higher amount than Ghajini as it has shaped up quite well and also it has already generated a big hype. However, he refrained from commenting on anything on the sequels' front but said that No Entry is one of the highest grossing films and so making a sequel of it with Salman and Anil is just the next step to keep it alive in everyone's mind.

Though Boney was non-committal on both Mr.India and No Entry's sequel, it has been found out that the publicity designing of both the films have been on full swing. While for Mr. India, an invisible man embracing a woman is readied for launch with the tagline ‘appearing soon', for No Entry's sequel the tagline is ‘twice as wicked.

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