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Ghost Rider 2 will be shot in 3D

Word reached THN Towers this morning that the next Ghost Rider movie, which will once again star Nicolas Cage as the lead character of Johnny Blaze/ Ghost Rider, will be brought to the screen in 3D.
Cage himself revealed to MTV that the new film will shoot in the three-dimensional format in the next ‘couple of months’ in Romania of all places. If this is the case, it will be the biggest film to shoot in the country since 2002′s Cold Mountain.

“I’ll be filming it in Romania, which is exciting, since that’s where Dracula’s castle is,” Cage revealed to MTV. “The Ghost Rider has to ride up to Dracula’s castle.”
The Crank writing/directing duo of Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor are behind the project, which we guess will be released sometime in 2012. The working title of the movie is Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. Cage will next be seen in the supernatural action film Drive Angry.

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